Monday, November 7, 2011

Olive Trees Diseased

Soka Olive Tree... about 10+ years old

Healthy olive tree about same age:

The slow death of the olive trees on campus is caused by the bacterium Xylella fastidiosa, aka “Pierce’s disease” and “olive scorch”. This is very nasty stuff, and ruined our local wine industry years ago. "There is no known cure…. Pruning out the part of the plant showing symptoms may help the appearance of the … tree or shrub but will not save the plant.” Pictured is 10 year old olive tree on campus: sickly, stunted, dying parts… Valley Crest confirmed this finding last week.
Master Gardeners are required to clean their cutting tools with 10% bleach after contact with any plant with this type of disease. So should be include this in our compost? For more information:

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